Sunday, November 13, 2016

Those Days of WONDER....

As the kids are getting older I just am in awe.... How they have "come into their own" is amazing.  Our 12 y/o son is in the 7th grade and interested in so many things now and we now try to support him rather than "guide" him to what direction we think he should go in.  Playing sports, scouts and academic team are among his interests.  Our twins are still in that "seeking" stage or their lives at 8 to figure out what their interests are.  They both ran cross country, are getting ready to play basketball and are in a choir class at school. This journey is a wonderful one!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Wow.... New School Year!

It's been a long time since my last post..... Sorry!   about that.... Just got away from posting.  Our oldest son Austin is now in 5th grade and is 10 years old.  The twins Alivia and Ryan are now 6 and in the first grade. I have learned a lot in the last couple of years.... that is on how to become a better mom.  I have a lot of mom FAILS, but don't we all as good parents.  My husband is a great man, husband, and father and is a wonderful member of our family.  I learn so much from him.  My journey recently starting with this school year is one of learning to become a better mom and with that I need to take better care of myself.  With that in mind... this week I am reclaiming myself.  I plan to get to the gym at least 2x this week.  I know that doesn't sound like much, but it's really about all I have time for with our busy schedules.  Hoping to gradually increase what I do.  This week leads up to another birthday that I'd like to forget in many ways... laughing out loud... In my family growing up, birthdays are so important.... I have tried to continue that tradition in our family too.  I had to "train" my husband on that tradition.  I hope that this week goes well and that we have a great week.  Cheers!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Amazing Wonders!

My kids have grown so much in the last two years!  Guess that I have really been neglecting the blog!  My oldest is now 7 and the twins will be 4 in 4 days!  Time is flying by way too fast!  The twins are now trying to write their names, spell in their own way and becoming math wizards!  They started preschool this year and truly love it!  Alivia will on occasion test her teacher, but that is nothing new to us at home!  lol She is a wonderful and smart child who likes to test the waters some.  Ryan is growing in so many ways lately!  He takes the world in one day at a time.  So different than the other two!  He has a memory like a steel trap.  Austin our oldest amazes me every day.  He just has such a great insight into learning and continues to grow everyday.  I will try to blog more often about their lives and adventures from here on out!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


The twins are 22 mos now and Austin proudly tells everyone that he is 5 1/2! That 1/2 is so important to us when we are 5! He likes to tell people that he is almost 6! I want to say don't grow up too soon! You have all of your life to be OLDER. Livi and Ryan are talking so much and doing wonderful things! I promise to blog more as time goes by.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

3 Little Monkeys

My kids just love 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed! Our twins just love to fingerplays and try very hard to do them. They are finally starting to pick up on a few key words and it just makes me laugh. My older son loved it too when he was little and will do them along with everyone! My monkeys now have figured out how to climb up on everything... couch, futon, chairs, bed etc..... Anything to challenge them! Older son has figured out the monkey bars and loves to climb on the jungle gym!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Wow Growing Up!

I don't think that when you have kids that you envision them growing UP! Today marks Austin's first week finished in kindergarten and I am amazed! Thought that maybe he might tell me about all of these wonderful things he has learned.... ha! On Tuesday he told me, "I learned nothing today!". I know differently, but still just thought typical growing boy!

The twins and I went to the park today to meet our playgroup friends and I just realized how big they are getting! they will be 19 months on the 26th! Too big too fast! They are using so many words now and pick on each other! They are lots of fun! Magical puddle on the little slide and they both had to splash in it! What fun! Had a great day!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Marrying Man

Well... yesterday I asked my son who are you going to marry when you grow up? and he said "Why you of course..silly!". That says it all. I know really it's between two little girls at daycare (one is his and the other is just about his best friend)!